This works for me after I defined cmsel as you did in your previous posts.

On Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 1:55:36 PM UTC, Fjordforsk A/S wrote:
> I am trying to plot a trigonometric function, but get a strange result:
> plot3d(lambda 
> x,t:((cos(2^(0.5)*x)*sech(2^(0.5)*t)+I*2^0.5*tanh(2*t))/(2^(0.5)-cos(2^(0.5)*x)*sech(2^(0,5)*t)))*e^(2*I*t).real_part(),(x,-3*pi,3*pi),(t,-5,5),adaptive=True,color=cmsel)
> /home/sem/SageMath/sage-7.4/src/sage/rings/integer.pyx in 
> sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ 
> (/home/sem/SageMath/sage-7.4/src/build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:13508)()
>    2031             nn = pyobject_to_long(n)
>    2032         except TypeError:
> -> 2033             s = parent_c(n)(self)
>    2034             return s**n
>    2035         except OverflowError:
> *TypeError: 'sage.rings.integer.Integer' object is not iterable*What have 
> I written wrongly?
> *Thanks*

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