I want to take an number field element embedded in the symbolic ring
like the imaginary I and add it to an algebraic number:
  sage: I.pyobject() + QQbar(sqrt(2))
This results in
  TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for '+': 'Number Field in I
  with defining polynomial x^2 + 1' and 'Algebraic Field'
as there is no *canonical* coercion as no embedding of the number field
is specified.

How can I specify this embedding such that it is used e.g. for the
symbolic I?

I've tried
  sage: F = NumberField(x^2 + 1, 'i', embedding=QQbar(I))
which makes
  sage: F.0 + QQbar(sqrt(2))
  1.414213562373095? + 1*I
work. However,
  sage: SR(F.0)
so it is converted to the existing I and the example at the top
  sage: SR(F.0).pyobject() + QQbar(sqrt(2))
fails again.


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