
The following cython code compiles fine in SageMath command line version
and it *used* to compile fine in the jupyter notebook one year ago:

 def mantisse():
     cdef double a = 1
     cdef double b = 2
     cdef int i = 0
     while True:
         a += b**(-i)
         print("%2d: %.53f"%(i,a))
         if a==1:
             return i-1
         i += 1
         a = 1

However, in the jupyter notebook I no get the error

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-672ba140476c> in <module>()
     12         i += 1
     13         a = 1
---> 14 """)

 in sage.misc.lazy_import.LazyImport.__call__ 
    352             True
    353         """
--> 354         return self.get_object()(*args, **kwds)
    356     def __repr__(self):

in cython_compile(code, **kwds)
   1005     with open(tmpfile,'w') as f:
   1006         f.write(code)
-> 1007     return cython_import_all(tmpfile, get_globals(), **kwds)

in cython_import_all(filename, globals, **kwds)
    895       code
    896     """
--> 897     m = cython_import(filename, **kwds)
    898     for k, x in iteritems(m.__dict__):
    899         if k[0] != '_':

in cython_import(filename, **kwds)
    870     - the module that contains the compiled Cython code.
    871     """
--> 872     name, build_dir = cython(filename, **kwds)
    874     oldpath = sys.path

in cython(filename, verbose, compile_message, use_cache, create_local_c_file, 
annotate, sage_namespace, create_local_so_file)
    669     except Exception as msg:
    670         msg = str(msg) + "\n" + distutils_messages
--> 671         raise RuntimeError(msg.strip())
    673     if verbose >= 0:

RuntimeError: fileno

What goes wrong?

I'd like to have it solved till the day after tomorrow, as the notebook
is to be used in some exercise group.

Best regards,

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