I haven't managed to reproduce it in GP, I have no idea why. Typically, it's not so hard to translate a Sage bug like this to a PARI/GP bug. It must be something rather subtle. I'll try again tomorrow.

I did manage to reproduce it with the PARI-in-Sage by running the attached GP script in Sage:

sage: pari('read("/tmp/bug.gp")')
PariError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-d8453d83569e> in <module>()
----> 1 pari('read("/tmp/bug.gp")')

cypari2/pari_instance.pyx in cypari2.pari_instance.Pari.__call__()

cypari2/gen.pyx in cypari2.gen.objtogen()

cypari2/handle_error.pyx in cypari2.handle_error._pari_err_handle()

PariError: nffactor: bug in LLL_cmbf [no factor], please report

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Attachment: bug.gp
Description: application/gnuplot

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