Le mercredi 31 octobre 2018 12:21:34 UTC+1, deSitter a écrit :
> My text terminal uses a black background. The default text is
> dark blue on jet black. This is not a winning start to 8.4.
> How do I change the text color.

You can enter one the following at the Sage prompt:

    sage: %colors Linux     # works well on dark background
    sage: %colors LightBG   # for light background (default)
    sage: %colors NoColor   # no syntax highlighting

Note that the lowercase versions work too:

    sage: %colors linux     # works well on dark background
    sage: %colors lightbg   # for light background (default)
    sage: %colors nocolor   # no syntax highlighting

To avoid having to type this every time you start Sage,
you can put it in a file called init.sage in your DOT_SAGE
folder. Typically this folder will be ~/.sage -- create
the file init.sage if it does not exist yet, and just add
a line with

    %colors Linux

and you can also add there any command you want to be run
every time you start sage.

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