Le vendredi 16 novembre 2018 21:52:18 UTC+1, Michael Beeson a écrit :
> Thank you, that was very instructive to see the "right way"  to start by 
> using an appropriate ring. 
> I guess you can go on to divide out by the other linear factor and get the 
> quadratic equation, 
> and solve it,  but I got that far myself, and then could not work with the 
> solutions of the quadratic equation.
> But you may be able to do that because then they will belong to some 
> algebraic number field which 
> will come equipped with useful algorithms.  

Oops, the last command should have been

    print("h = .... in enumerate(h.list())))

instead of

    print("h = .... in enumerate(g.list())))

and, really, writing a last pretty_print function for the whole polynomial,
and applying it to h, would have been a better way to go.

So here is the full thing with a last pretty_print function, and applying
it to `h`, not to `g`.

    sage: R.<N, M> = QQbar[]
    sage: S.<x> = R[]
    sage: a = QQbar(3).sqrt() / 2
    sage: i = QQbar(I)
    sage: b = (x - ~x) / (2 * i)
    sage: c = (a * (x + ~x) + b) / 2
    sage: X = (M / 3) * (a + b + c)
    sage: f = 24 * (X^2 - N * b * c) * x^2
    sage: f = S(f)
    sage: t = QQbar(exp(-pi*I/3))
    sage: # pretty_print functions
    sage: def pretty_qqbar(z):
    ....:     a, b = z.real().radical_expression(), 
    ....:     return "{} + {}*i".format(a, b)
    sage: def pretty_x_coeff(xc):
    ....:     return " + ".join("({})*{}".format(pretty_qqbar(xc[m]), m)
    ....:                       for m in xc.monomials())
    sage: def pretty_poly_x_MN(p, name='p'):
    ....:     print("\n{} =   ".format(name) +"\n    + "
    ....:           .join("({})*x^{}".format(pretty_x_coeff(xc), k)
    ....:                 for k, xc in enumerate(h.list())) + "\n")
    sage: g = f // (x + 1)
    sage: h = g // (x - t)
    sage: pretty_poly_x_MN(h, name='h')

    h =   ((2 + 0*i)*M^2 + (-6 + 0*i)*N)*x^0
        + ((1 + -sqrt(3)*i)*M^2 + (3 + -3*sqrt(3)*i)*N)*x^1
        + ((-1 + -sqrt(3)*i)*M^2 + (3 + 3*sqrt(3)*i)*N)*x^2


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