According to Serge Lelièvre, the proble doesn't occur when ran under a 
Python3-based Sage. He advises to run such a Sage, hich seems a bit early, 

Advice ?

Le jeudi 6 juin 2019 11:04:27 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
> This ask.sagemath  question 
> <>
>  seems 
> to raise a genuine bug. Perusing Trac doesn't raise muc relevant, possibly 
> except for Trac#24428 <> and 
> Trac#21754 <>.
> From my comment to the ask.sagemath question :
> Indeed :
>     sage: var("y,z")
>     (y, z)
>     sage: cauchy(z)=solve(z*y^3 +y^2 - 2*z*y+2 ,y)[0].rhs()
>     sage: def foo(u):return(arg(cauchy(u)).n())
>     sage: [foo(t) for t in (1,1.1..2)]
>     [0.828222717321238,
>     ## Snip...
>      0.377665318352514]
> Therefore, this function *can* be evaluated. But :
>     sage: plot(foo,(1,2))
>     verbose 0 (3635:, generate_plot_points) WARNING: When 
> plotting, failed to evaluate function at 200 points.
>     verbose 0 (3635:, generate_plot_points) Last error message: 
> 'negative number cannot be raised to a fractional power'
>     Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 0 graphics 
> primitives
> ... not in `plot`. Trying  to plot symbolically yelds :
>     TypeError: Cannot evaluate symbolic expression to a numeric value.
> A bug, IMHO.
> Can someone confirm this and, possibly, give me hints as how to flag this 
> ticket efficiently ?

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