wow, I didn‘t expect, that may „simple“ problem needs such deep math. I 
will look for the math of polyhedrons to understand, what you wrote, 
because in some number-crosswords (I don‘t know the correct english word) 
you search for solutions of the m entioned type. Also you need it in some 
amphanumerics like SEND+MORE=MONEY.

Thanks a lot for answering

Am Freitag, 17. April 2020 19:17:12 UTC+2 schrieb Bert Henry:
> I have the equation
> x + y = 15
> an I'm looking for solution only in the range x=1..9 and y=1..9, x and y 
> both integer
> Is there a sage-command to do that?
> Thanks in advance
> Bert Henry

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