I recently upgraded to MacOS 10.15. I can get Sage 8.7 to work (more on 
> that in a moment) but Sage 9.1 doesn't.
> The first problem is the Apple "quarantine". I found the fix to that 
> (thanks!) but perhaps a note should be added to the download webpage, just 
> as there's a note about MacOS 10.11? I mean this: "On OS X version 10.11 
> (El Capitan), you need at least sage-6.10. It does not work with older 
> versions of SageMath."
See https://github.com/sagemath/website/pull/193 - I'm not sure why this 
has been held up.


> The second problem is that when I start it now, it gives me this error:
> $ /Applications/SageMath/sage 
> dyld: Library not loaded: 
> /Users/buildbot-sage/slave/binary_pkg/build/source/SageMath/jc4b6yulaujayb9sr94ia88eourzeqip0oidmas3/local/lib/libpython3.7m.dylib
>   Referenced from: /Applications/SageMath/local/bin/python3
>   Reason: image not found
> /Applications/SageMath/src/bin/sage-python: line 2: 46885 Abort trap: 6   
>         sage -python "$@"
I wonder (though obviously the path looks grim) if that is a sign you don't 
actually have Python 3 on your system.  Is that correct?  I did create some 
py2 binaries but apparently they didn't make it to the servers - though 
those were only for 10.11, so probably not optimal for your 10.15 machine 
(which one would think has py3, so probably it's something else).

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