On Cocalc 
I have checked that the problem can be reproduced on all available Sage 
kernels back to 8.2.

Looks more like an error from me, rather than a bug…

Suggestions most welcome !

Le dimanche 9 août 2020 16:31:47 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
> The problem can be reproduced on [sagecell](
> https://sagecell.sagemath.org/?z=eJxVi0EKhDAMAO99SSKu4t5zEg-5-wFxQy2ILU1W8nx72cPCwMDAcKQ9KzgGNuI4pMsk1s0EvH-V1DeOfH5orV_BMCtNI7y7kjAsTrN2bKHUNsHZHgc2xL-weAu6RRluqZry9fMDXHAoTw==&lang=sage&interacts=eJyLjgUAARUAuQ==),
> which is currently at 9.1.
> HTH,
> Le dimanche 9 août 2020 16:00:11 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
>> *Note : for once, this is a cross-post from ask.sagemath.org 
>> <https://ask.sagemath.org/question/52922/latexing-showing-or-viewing-a-held-integral-triggers-its-evaluation/>,
>> for ticket advice…*
>> Exploring this ask.sagemath question 
>> <https://ask.sagemath.org/question/52913/error-during-integration-not-of-type-unsigned-byte-15/>
>> led me to discover what I think is a serious bug : it seems that latexing 
>> an expression *containing* a held (= unevaluated) integral triggers the 
>> latter’s evaluation ; ditto for viewing or showing…
>> Minimal case:
>>     sage: Ig=sin(x)
>>     sage: It=Ig.integrate(x,-pi,pi,hold=True)
>>     sage: Cs=1/(2*pi)
>>     sage: latex(It)
>>     \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \sin\left(x\right)\,{d x}
>> So far, so good. But :
>>     sage: Ex=Cs*It
>>     sage: Ex
>>     1/2*integrate(sin(x), x, -pi, pi)/pi
>>     sage: latex(Ex)
>>     \frac{0}{2 \, \pi}
>> Aaaarghh ! And, of course :
>>     sage: show(Ex)
>>     \newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\frac{0}{2 \, \pi}
>> And view(Ex) proudly displays this crap…
>> IMHO, this is a serious bug, entailing a risk of inadvertently triggering 
>> long, impossible or never ending computations.
>> Unless someone points me to the direction and magnitude of my stupidity, 
>> I intend to file this as a *critical* (maybe *blocker*) ticket; however, 
>> the target is not clear to me : I do not thoink that the rendering system 
>> is the only culprit (nor even the main one…) ; there may be a more 
>> fundamental problem in the evaluation system.
>> Advice ?
>> ​

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