Hello, usually I ask question by Ask sagemath but the server seems down 
since yesterday.

I would like to define a matrix function with symbolic variables (Linear or 
quadratic) of the form x A x,   B x...  and also linear inequalities of the 
form C x <= b for any size of the A, B and C matrix. The final problem is 
to optimize or to manipulate equations or inequations.

Whichever be my fails effort, and my reading comfort me, it seems not to be 
allowed in Sagemath which seems strange. But a recent reading seems to say 

R = PolynomialRing(RR, 'c', 20)
c = R.gens()

could solve my problem. In fact, if I define a list of c[i]

show([c[0],c[1],c[2]]) <-- this work
[c[i] for i in range(0..2)] <-- this doesn't work

I need to understand


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