2021-03-22, John Cremona:
> I have the problem reported here -- but apparently solved in ipython
> 7.1.1, but I am using sage-9.2 with ipython 7.13.0 (as reported by
> "sage -ipython").
> I start entering a loop like this
> sage: for n in [1..10]:
> ....: m=2*n
> where ipython automatically enters the continuation "....:" and
> indentation, but after hitting return the second time, immediately
> after the n in the second line, it evaluates what I have entered so
> far (uselessly) and gives me a new Sage prompt.
> I know that this seems to be an ipython issue, but there is no problem
> if I use sage -ipython directly (using range() instead of [..]) *and*
> no problem in Sage if instead I do "for n in range(10):" in the first
> line. So this seems to be being caused by whatever Sage does to
> convert [1..10] into python.

Confirmed here. Now tracked at:

- Sage Trac ticket 31951
  Fix `..` ellipsis interference with REPL multiline input

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