Le lundi 29 novembre 2021 à 16:33:41 UTC+1, cyrille piatecki a écrit :

Thanks Emmanuel for your precious answer. But It generates some few new 
> questions :
> - is there a place in the documentation where I can find the information 
> on `solve()` and mainly its options ?
The documentation 
of course…

- if I understand clearly z_{6497} is an integer but how to fix it to zero 
> --- when the number change at each iteration
That’s why I used a methods sequence to designate it, rather than using its 

- sympy seems to be the good approach
Beware : see below…

but it is not self evident that to call y one must typpeset sol2[0][x]
It is, because algorithm="sympy" will cause the results to be expressed as 
dictionaries and D[x] is the canonical way to get the value of the entry of 
dictionary D indexed by x. Basic Python…

- the giac way is certainly the better but it keeps no track of the 
> variable's order.
Again, ask for a solution dictionary. As for algorithm="giac", I have seen 
it go pear-shaped a couple times…

Now for the various expression of solutions : consider :

print(table([[u,solve(FOC,[x,y,l], solution_dict=True, algorithm=u)] for u in 
["maxima", "fricas", "sympy", "giac"]]))
  maxima   [{l: 1/p_y, x: (p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3541/a), y: 
-(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3541/a) - R)/p_y}]
  fricas   [{l: 1/p_y, x: (p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3892/a), y: 
-(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3892/a) - R)/p_y}]
  sympy    [{x: (p_x/p_y)^(1/a), l: 1/p_y, y: -(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a) - R)/p_y}]
  giac     [{x: (p_x/p_y)^(1/a), y: -(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a) - R)/p_y, l: 1/p_y}]

Both maxima and fricas try to explicitly express the set of solutions of 
the equation z^a==p_x/p_y, which is a set of a complexes if a is a positive 
integer. (I leave to you (as en exercise ;-) to determine what it means (if 
any…) if a is rational, algebraic or transcendental, real or complex…).

OTOH, both sympy and giac use the notation (p_x/p_y)^(1/a) to *implicitly* 
denote *the very same set of solutions to the very same equation. One could 
say that tey are glossing over whatever maxima and fricas insist on. Choose 
your poison…


> I have tried my solution assuming l>0 on the 3 conditions but it changes 
> nothing.
> ----- Mail d’origine -----
> De: Emmanuel Charpentier <emanuel.c...@gmail.com>
> À: sage-support <sage-s...@googlegroups.com>
> Envoyé: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 11:03:37 +0100 (CET)
> Objet: [sage-support] Re: Constrained optimization with strange result.
> Variables of the form z_xxxx are *integer* variables created by Maxima, 
> which attempts to give you *also* the complex roots, if any, thus 
> ignoring the assumptions on x, y and l. Note that :
> sage: solve(FOC[0], x)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ Snip… ]
> TypeError: Computation failed since Maxima requested additional constraints; 
> using the 'assume' command before evaluation *may* help (example of legal 
> syntax is 'assume(l>0)', see `assume?` for more details)
> Is l positive, negative or zero?
> sage: with assuming(l>0): print(solve(FOC[0], x))
> [
> x == (l*p_x)^(1/a)
> ]
> sage: with assuming(l<0): print(solve(FOC[0], x))
> [
> x^a == l*p_x
> ]
> sage: with assuming(l<0): print(solve(FOC[0], x, to_poly_solve=True))
> [x == (l*p_x)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z4353/a)]
> Interestingly:
> sage: solve([FOC[0]==0,FOC[1]==0,FOC[2]==0],x,y,l)
> [[l == (1/p_y), x == (p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3540/a), y == 
> -(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3540/a) - R)/p_y]]
> sage: solve([FOC[0]==0,FOC[1]==0,FOC[2]==0],x,y,l, algorithm="sympy")
> [{x: (p_x/p_y)^(1/a), l: 1/p_y, y: -(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a) - R)/p_y}]
> sage: solve([FOC[0]==0,FOC[1]==0,FOC[2]==0],x,y,l, algorithm="fricas")
> [[l == (1/p_y), x == (p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3891/a), y == 
> -(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a)*e^(2*I*pi*z3891/a) - R)/p_y]]
> sage: giac.solve(giac(FOC),giac([x,y,l])).sage()
> [[(p_x/p_y)^(1/a), -(p_x*(p_x/p_y)^(1/a) - R)/p_y, 1/p_y]]
> HTH,
> ​
> Le dimanche 28 novembre 2021 à 22:13:12 UTC+1, cyrille piatecki a écrit :
>> On my computer the solution of
>> var('a x y p_x p_y D Rev R l')
>> assume(a,'real')
>> assume(x,'real')
>> assume(y,'real')
>> assume(p_x,'real')
>> assume(p_y,'real')
>> assume(D,'real')
>> assume(Rev,'real')
>> assume(R,'real')
>> assume(l,'real')
>> assume(a<1)
>> assume(a>0)
>> assume(p_x>0)
>> assume(p_y>0)
>> assume(R>0)
>> U =(1/(a+1))*x^(a+1)+y
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\text{La fonction d}^\prime\text{utilité est }U(x,y) = 
>> '),U)
>> D= x*p_x + y*p_y
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\text{La Dépense } D = '),D)
>> Rev= R
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\text{Le Revenu } Rev = '),R)
>> L=U+l*(Rev-D)
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\text{Le lagrangien est } \mathcal{L}(x, y, λ) = '),L)
>> FOC = [diff(L,x),diff(L,y),diff(L,l)]
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\text{Les condition du premier ordre sont } 
>> \left\{\begin{array}{c}\mathcal{L}_x= 0\\\mathcal{L}_y= 0\\\mathcal{L}_λ= 
>> 0\end{array}\right. '))
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\text{soit }'))
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\mathcal{L}_x= 0 \Longleftrightarrow '),FOC[0]==0)    
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\mathcal{L}_y= 0 \Longleftrightarrow '),FOC[1]==0)
>> show(LatexExpr(r'\mathcal{L}_λ= 0 \Longleftrightarrow '),FOC[2]==0)
>> sol=solve([FOC[0]==0,FOC[1]==0,FOC[2]==0],x,y,l)
>> show(sol)
>> Is nearly correct, but an extra complex exponential term multiplies $x$ 
>> and then modifies $y$. Even as an element I do not understand its form :
>> $e^{(2iπz_{5797}a)}$
>> Could some one explain why ?
> -- 
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