Setup : Sage 9.5.rc1 running in Debian testing on core i7 + 16 GB RAM.

def test(Size=2, Ring=QQ):
    from time import time as stime
    with seed(0):
        M = matrix(Ring, Size, Size, lambda u, v:Ring.random_element())
    t0 = stime()
    SL = M.eigenspaces_left(algebraic_multiplicity=True)
    t1 = stime()
    VL = M.eigenvectors_left()
    t2 = stime()
    return t1-t0, SL, t2-t1, VL

test() runs as expected, as well as test(Size=5) and test(Ring=AA), with 
very reasonable runtimes (under a second, IIRC). But test(Size=3, Ring=AA) 
“never returns” (meaning that it hadn’t returned when I interrupted it 
after tens of minutes). Further exploration showec that neither 
M.eigenspaces_left(algebraic_multiplicity=True) nor M.eigenvectors_left() 

Is that an expected behaviour ?

FWIW, stack trace at interruption :

sage: AA3=test(Size=3, Ring=AA)
AA3=test(Size=3, Ring=AA)  C-c 
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
 in minpoly(self)
   4492         try:
-> 4493             return self._minimal_polynomial
   4494         except AttributeError:

 in sage.structure.element.Element.__getattr__ 
    493         """
--> 494         return self.getattr_from_category(name)

 in sage.structure.element.Element.getattr_from_category 
    506             cls = P._abstract_element_class
--> 507         return getattr_from_other_class(self, cls, name)

 in sage.cpython.getattr.getattr_from_other_class 
    360 = name
--> 361         raise AttributeError(dummy_error_message)
    362     attribute = <object>attr

AttributeError: 'sage.rings.real_mpfi.RealIntervalFieldElement' object has no 
attribute '_evaluate_polynomial'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-344-ff7c46010ad2> in <module>
----> 1 AA3=test(Size=Integer(3), Ring=AA)

<string> in test(Size, Ring)

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.eigenspaces_left 
   6270                     self = self.change_ring(F)
   6271                 A = self - alpha
-> 6272                 W = A.kernel()
   6273                 V.append((alpha, 
W.ambient_module().span_of_basis(W.basis()), e))
   6274             else:

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.left_kernel 
   4948         tm = verbose("computing left kernel for %sx%s matrix" % 
(self.nrows(), self.ncols()),level=1)
-> 4949         K = self.transpose().right_kernel(*args, **kwds)
   4950         self.cache('left_kernel', K)
   4951         verbose("done computing left kernel for %sx%s matrix" % 
(self.nrows(), self.ncols()),level=1,t=tm)

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.right_kernel 
   4786         # Go get the kernel matrix, this is where it all happens
-> 4787         M = self.right_kernel_matrix(*args, **kwds)
   4789         ambient = R**self.ncols()

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.right_kernel_matrix 
   4395         if M is None and R in _Fields:
-> 4396             format, M = self._right_kernel_matrix_over_field()
   4398         if M is None and R.is_integral_domain():

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix._right_kernel_matrix_over_field 
   3686         from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
   3687         tm = verbose("computing right kernel matrix over an arbitrary 
field for %sx%s matrix" % (self.nrows(), self.ncols()),level=1)
-> 3688         E = self.echelon_form(*args, **kwds)
   3689         pivots = E.pivots()
   3690         pivots_set = set(pivots)

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.echelon_form 
   7686         E = self.__copy__()
   7687         if algorithm == 'default':
-> 7688             v = E.echelonize(cutoff=cutoff, **kwds)
   7689         else:
   7690             v = E.echelonize(algorithm = algorithm, cutoff=cutoff, 

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.echelonize 
   7583             if self.base_ring() in _Fields:
   7584                 if algorithm in ['classical', 'partial_pivoting', 
'scaled_partial_pivoting', 'scaled_partial_pivoting_valuation']:
-> 7585                     self._echelon_in_place(algorithm)
   7586                 elif algorithm == 'strassen':
   7587                     self._echelon_strassen(cutoff)

 in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix._echelon_in_place 
   7848                 sig_check()
   7849                 for r in range(start_row, nr):
-> 7850                     if A.get_unsafe(r, c):
   7851                         pivots.append(c)
   7852                         a_inverse = ~A.get_unsafe(r, c)

 in __bool__(self)
   4043             right = sd._right if op is operator.sub else -sd._right
-> 4045             lp = left.minpoly()
   4046             rp = right.minpoly()
   4047             if lp != rp:

 in minpoly(self)
   4493             return self._minimal_polynomial
   4494         except AttributeError:
-> 4495             self.exactify()
   4496             self._minimal_polynomial = self._descr.minpoly()
   4497             return self._minimal_polynomial

 in exactify(self)
   4363         if isinstance(od, (ANRational, ANExtensionElement)):
   4364             return
-> 4365         self._set_descr(self._descr.exactify())
   4367     def _set_descr(self, new_descr):

 in exactify(self)
   8430             right = self._right
   8431             left.exactify()
-> 8432             right.exactify()
   8433             gen = left._exact_field().union(right._exact_field())
   8434             left_value = gen(left._exact_value())

 in exactify(self)
   4363         if isinstance(od, (ANRational, ANExtensionElement)):
   4364             return
-> 4365         self._set_descr(self._descr.exactify())
   4367     def _set_descr(self, new_descr):

 in exactify(self)
   8430             right = self._right
   8431             left.exactify()
-> 8432             right.exactify()
   8433             gen = left._exact_field().union(right._exact_field())
   8434             left_value = gen(left._exact_value())

 in exactify(self)
   4363         if isinstance(od, (ANRational, ANExtensionElement)):
   4364             return
-> 4365         self._set_descr(self._descr.exactify())
   4367     def _set_descr(self, new_descr):

 in exactify(self)
   8430             right = self._right
   8431             left.exactify()
-> 8432             right.exactify()
   8433             gen = left._exact_field().union(right._exact_field())
   8434             left_value = gen(left._exact_value())

 in exactify(self)
   4363         if isinstance(od, (ANRational, ANExtensionElement)):
   4364             return
-> 4365         self._set_descr(self._descr.exactify())
   4367     def _set_descr(self, new_descr):

 in exactify(self)
   8177         if op == '~':
-> 8178             arg.exactify()
   8179             return arg._descr.invert(None)

 in exactify(self)
   4363         if isinstance(od, (ANRational, ANExtensionElement)):
   4364             return
-> 4365         self._set_descr(self._descr.exactify())
   4367     def _set_descr(self, new_descr):

 in exactify(self)
   8431             left.exactify()
   8432             right.exactify()
-> 8433             gen = left._exact_field().union(right._exact_field())
   8434             left_value = gen(left._exact_value())
   8435             right_value = gen(right._exact_value())

 in union(self, other)
   3230         op = QQx(op)
   3231         # pari_nf = self._field.pari_nf()
-> 3232         pari_nf = self.pari_field()
   3233         factors = list(pari_nf.nffactor(op).lift())[0]
   3234         x, y = QQxy.gens()

 in pari_field(self)
   3134         if self._pari_field is None:
   3135             pari_pol = self._field.pari_polynomial("y")
-> 3136             self._pari_field = pari_pol.nfinit(1)
   3137         return self._pari_field

cypari2/auto_gen.pxi in cypari2.gen.Gen_base.nfinit()

Any hint appreciated…

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