This is due to recent upgrade to Sage 9.5. I will try to have it fixed in a 
few hours or revert to 9.4 until I figure out the fix.

On Wednesday, 2 February 2022 at 12:28:11 UTC-7 wrote:

> Here is an example with Sage cells in context:
> If I remove the init_printing() line, or change this to 
> init_printing(use_latex=False), the code will run, but I lose the 
> MathJax-formatted output.
> I can't tell if this is a bug in the init_printing() function (to my 
> knowledge, there is no recent update to Sympy -- I upgraded my local Python 
> installation and everything is still working) or if something is going 
> wrong with Sage Cell trying to process the output.
> On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 12:09:52 PM UTC-7 Sean Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> This is in SageMathCell, rather than in a local installation of Sage. I 
>> don't think there's much I can do about what is running on here.
>> [image: sagecell.png]
>> On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 11:39:40 AM UTC-7 HG wrote:
>>>  I tried it in sage 9.2 nice printing.
>>> But in sage I use show(LatexExpr("r \mu \epsilon))
>>> μϵ
>>> I am not sure that what you want (and naturaly first command in cell 
>>> %display latex        in sage)
>>> One can even format text in a beautifull latex 
>>> show(LatexExpr(r"This \ is \ \mu \ and \ \epsilon"))
>>> This is μ and ϵ 
>>> best
>>>  Best
>>> Henri
>>> Le 02/02/2022 à 18:38, Sean Fitzpatrick a écrit :
>>> I'm teaching a linear algebra course where we use the Sympy Python 
>>> package for a lot of the computations. This includes a PreTeXt textbook 
>>> where there are Sage Cells throughout, with sample code supplied. 
>>> Until today (I think it was working yesterday), I've had no trouble 
>>> running code like the following:
>>> from sympy import Matrix, init_printing
>>> init_printing()
>>> A = Matrix([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,0,1,2]])
>>> display(A.rref())
>>> The init_printing function from Sympy renders the output in MathJax 
>>> rather than pretty-printed plain text, which is nice for teaching. I can 
>>> run this with the language set to either Sage or Python. (the 'display' 
>>> command is only needed for Python, which is funny, because it is not needed 
>>> in Jupyter with a Python kernel.)
>>> Right now this code throws about 50 lines of error messages; the main 
>>> error is a Type Error:
>>> TypeError: Object of type <class 'bytes'> with value of '(a very, very 
>>> long string that I won't reproduce here)' is not JSON serializable
>>> Was there a change made today that would cause this error? Maybe in the 
>>> Sympy library? If I remove the init_printing() line, everything works, 
>>> except that there's no longer nice display for the output.
>>> The reason for using Python syntax is that we also do labs in Jupyter 
>>> notebooks. Our institution has a Jupyter hub with Python and R kernels, but 
>>> no Sage kernel. (We do not have a CoCalc subscription.)
>>> I know there is a Sage equivalent to init_printing (although I forget 
>>> what it is) but that won't work on the Jupyter side.
>>> -- 
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