On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 5:21:57 PM UTC-5 Nils Bruin wrote:

If you run `jupyter --paths` and  `sage -sh <<<"jupyter --paths"` you see 
the difference in paths. The relevant ones for you are probably the 
sage-specific ones
Whatever is there will get picked up by sage's jupyter but, naturally, not 
by your standard jupyter.
So the kernels that live there could be copied to a location that is 
accessed by your system jupyter:
or something like that.

Note that the files there might need some surgery, because starting those 
kernels probably needs to happen through sage's python (or at least its 
venv); similar to how to get the sage kernel working in a system jupyter.

The Sage binary installer for macOS optionally installs the Sage Jupyter 
kernels in a location that an arbitrary Jupyter will search by default, and 
in that case the JSON kernel file just looks like:

{"argv": ["/var/tmp/sage-10.3-current/venv/bin/sage", "--python", "-m", 
              "sage.repl.ipython_kernel", "-f", "{connection_file}"], 
 "display_name": "SageMath 10.3",
 "language": "sage"}

I think it will work as long as your have the full path to Sage in the venv 
as part of argv.




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