#20238: Make the Sage <-> PARI interface a stand-alone package
   Reporter:  jdemeyer            |            Owner:
       Type:  task                |           Status:  new
   Priority:  major               |        Milestone:  sage-7.2
  Component:  packages: standard  |         Keywords:
  Merged in:                      |          Authors:
  Reviewers:                      |  Report Upstream:  N/A
Work issues:                      |           Branch:
     Commit:                      |     Dependencies:
   Stopgaps:                      |
 Needs cysignals:

 * #20002: Move interrupt.pyx to package cysignals
 * #20210: Move memory functions to cysignals

 Cleanup of PARI interface:

 * #20205: Clean up factoring PARI interface
 * #20213: Replace pari_catch_sig_on by sig_on
 * #20216: Deprecate PARI nth_prime, prime_list, primes_up_to_n
 * #20217: Remove redundant functions from pari_instance.pyx
 * #20219: Remove redundant functions from gen.pyx
 * #20224: Auto-generated PARI functions sometimes return 0 instead of None
 * #20226: Implement conversion PARI <-> Python int/long without GMP/MPIR

Ticket URL: <http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/20238>
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