#11143: Add various Maxima special functions to symbol table
   Reporter:  kcrisman   |       Owner:  burcin
       Type:  defect     |      Status:  new   
   Priority:  major      |   Milestone:        
  Component:  symbolics  |    Keywords:  ei Ei 
     Author:             |    Upstream:  N/A   
   Reviewer:             |      Merged:        
Work_issues:             |  

Comment(by burcin):

 Replying to [comment:1 benjaminfjones]:
 > But as you see, `gamma_incomplete` isn't defined in Sage either, but the
 table `sage.symbolic.pynac.symbol_table['maxima']` lists the Sage
 equivalent `gamma`. Anyway, it should be possible to have the maxima
 interface (with the help of maxima itself) rewrite any exponential
 integral that Sage doesn't have in terms of gamma functions.

 Incomplete gamma is defined in Sage. You can access it directly though
 `incomplete_gamma()` or `gamma_inc()`. The top level function `gamma()`
 behaves like incomplete gamma if you give it two arguments. IIRC, this is
 similar to maple.

 > By the way, the owner on the ticket is @burcin, does that mean they are
 working on it currently?

 I am not working on it. The ticket status `assigned` is supposed to
 indicate that the owner is working on the problem, but we don't use that
 much either.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11143#comment:4>
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Sage: Creating a Viable Open Source Alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, 

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