asanthi-Nilayam-today.htm> Description: Sathya Sai Baba online Resource,
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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Love can conquer anything. Selfless, pure, and unalloyed love leads man to
God. Selfish and constricted love binds one to the world. Unable to
comprehend the pure and sacred love, people today fall a prey to endless
worries because of their attachment to worldly objects. The primary duty of
every being is to understand the truth about the Love principle. Once a
person understands the nature of selfless love, one will not go astray.
One's thoughts, words and looks should be filled with selfless love. This is
divine love. One who is saturated with this love can never be subject to
suffering. Men and women today are affected by praise or blame. But one who
is filled with divine love transcends praise or censure. They will be
unaffected by criticism or flattery. They will treat alike joy and sorrow,
profit and loss, victory and defeat. (Divine Discourse, Dec 25 1995)

asanthi-Nilayam-today.htm> BABADescription: Sathya Sai Baba online Resource,
Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba,
Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 




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