CHAPTER V--- In Respect of General Disposition.

Art.15--- The membership of the committee of temples is subject to the laws and regulations in force and to those in future may be promulgated and undertake to:

a)      Contribute   towards the fund of beneficiation in terms of law; and

b)      b) make up for the want of income or better for the expenses made.

Art.16—The salaries of the servants and other expenses of the Committee of the membership of the temple shall be regulated in accordance with the respective estimates duly formulated and approved.

Para 1--- The properties of the temple are those which are recorded in the inventory and the immovable properties which produce rent shall be given on lease or administered directly by the administrative committee in case of there being none to take on lease.

Art— 17. It is prohibited for any person to enter inside any temple with covered feet, when drunk or an attitude or gesture of arranging conflicts or quarrels.

Art. ---18. It is prohibited to Puzari to solemnize any festivity or worship inclusive of ‘ abhixeca’, nivedia and to consult oracles without prior collection of the respective fee in the list attached to this undertaking.

Art. 19--- The fines to which the present undertaking  refers, shall not be inflicted without hearing the respective servant by the administrative committee.

Art. 20---The committee of the membership of the temple do  not  renounce the right to which   by any form may have acquired to the movable or immovable properties, rights, shares, active debts which shall be considered as forming part of its patrimony.

Art. 21-The  posts  of management shall be exercised without any gratification by members of the temple. They are not obliged to undertake more than one post in the management.

Para one only—The administrative committee shall be composed possibly of members of all the vangores. However, in its composition, at least one member of the fifth vangor should be included..


Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas

Vasco da Gama, 18-06-2004.  

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