Yes I agree with Frederick that we should not be unfair to Shannon working single 
handedly and request other volunteers to give a helping hand (rather than just giving 
suggestions like me). The major job of getting the original list compiled is over 
(congratulations Shannon), but we also need to be fair to those who missed out in 
getting listed in the original list and are now sending in their requests (directly or 
indirectly). This we can expect over the next one or two months only, after which the 
list of new entries will dwindle down and will be restricted mainly to new budding 
entrepreneurs to whom we should also give encouragement and a helping hand.

After seeing this original compilation, what has pleasantly surprised me is to know 
that Saligao has a long list of entrepreneurs and social workers in various fields, 
some of whom are already established and some who may be freshers and attempting to 
achieve something in life.  Let us make use of the talents and services that are at 
our doorsteps (rather than running to Panjim or Mapusa) and contribute towards making 
Saligao a more prosperous and self-reliant village.



----- Original Message -----
From: Frederick Noronha(FN)
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [saligaonet] Re:Shannon's Saligao Link... a useful compilation

Interesting suggestions. But who's going to bell the cat? We need a wider
team than just Shannon doing it single-handedly. Now that she has started
it, it's unfair to dump all the work on her. We *do* need volunteers! FN

PS: Fr N, here's hoping that your health situation improves speedily...

On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Lloyd wrote:

> This is a very useful compilation. Good work by SaligaoNet and Shannon.
> I could suggest the following:
> A) This list (updated version) be sent out monthly on a particular day
> (say, 1st of every month).
> B) New entries can be collected over the month and listed under a
> sub-heading (say, New Additions) for that month.
> C) In the following month, the new entries of the past month become
> part of the main list.
> Great! Keep it going.
> From,
> Lloyd
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