In Praise Of Saint Anne.


To-day is the last day of the Novena of St. Anne. To-morrow is the Vesper’s day. Here is a Song to Saint Anne.




Garden of God ,whose mystic Rose

On thy pure breast found her repose,

Hiding within her heart of gold

Balsams of mercies manifold,

Destined to soothe, to heal, to bless,

Earth  in  her dreariest hours’ distress.


Garden of God, whose Lily- flower,

Was thy most precious crown and dower,

Fair snowy perianth of threes,

Outer and inner trinities,

Types of the Triune God above,

And  Nazareth’s  Trinity of Love.


Garden of God! O great St. Anne!

Gladden our lifetime’s narrow span

With thy pure Flower of peace and love,

That in God’s Paradise above

Opens her snowy blooms and grace

In the full  sunshine  of God’s Face.


                                     ---Louise Morison.

Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas, Vasco da Gama, 30-07-2004.


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