An interesting report from Godfrey Gonsalves of Margao, about an NGO set up by a Saligao villager, Teresa Trinidade. It's her tribute to the memory of her only child, Patricia, a bubbly young lady who died at a very young age. Instead of giving up on life and getting dejected, Mrs Trinidade has shown us what is possible through sheer determination. Keep up the good work! FN
Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat, SALIGAO, GOA India
Freelance Journalist TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
fred at

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Nearly 1% of the population is affected by MENTAL HEALTH. Yet most of us speak out publicly only of the PHYSICAL Health illness viz Heart Lung Tuberculosis Cancer etc. But when it comes to MENTAL health we tend to be afraid to make it public. The reason being that there is a STIGMA attached to the Mental Health illness.

Now a registered charitable trust christened COOJ - (pronounced as - kuj) CAUSE OF OUR JOY founded by Ms Teresa Trinidad of Casa Trinidad Sonarbhat Arradi Saligao Bardez email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] telephone 91-832-227854 0r 2265550 in 2000 and registered in 18th October 2002 alongwith an young Dr Peter J Castelino Consultant Psychiatrist & Counsellor of Corjuem Aldona email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] as Director of COOJ and Ms Jeanette Dias Clinical Psychologist other faculty members Dr Ajoy Estibeiro and a lay person activist widely travelled in India and abroad and presented self experienced papers on day care treatment and self help groups requirements Mr Namdeo Gawas - of "Adhar"
email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] a Carers collective of Self Help group which meets at Communidade Bldg in Margao Goa and interacts with around 35 families of mental health illness patient ---------------- tried to dispel some of the MYTHS attached to the Mental health illness and demanded that parents society and government should take steps to address the problem seriously.

According to Mr Gawas who works full time as a lecturer at Govt College at Pernem narrated a traumatic and genuine incident of his own kith and kin
and ultimately plunged to render service to others feels strongly that ht government should work to integrete the Mental health care with the Primary health care in the State.

There are three enactments
a) Mental Health Programme of 1982
b) Mental Health Act 1987 and
c) Personal Disability Act 1995
and the rules thereof which govern the Mental Health

Dr Ajoy Estibeiro stated that it is only since the 80's that a general awareness on mental health has been created world wide and dwelt at lenght with SCHIZOPHRENIA.

Dr Peter Castelino made an excellent Power Point presentation on the mental health illness allayed many of the MYTHS that surround these illnesses and suggested various treatments viz; Medication, ECT
Electro Convulsive Therapy) ( i.e shock treatment which in fact is harmless contrary to the common belief that it is dangerous ) Pyschotherapy or Counselling of the parents/guardians nurses and even
the police force and finally the Rehabilitation of mentally ill persons.

Acording to Dr Castelino Director COOJ the  centre plan to have

a) awareness programmes throughout Goa
b) Day care centre -- Sahodaya at Mapuca
c) Half way homes (proposed) at Sahodaya
d) Psychiatry OPD at Saligao
e) Self Help Group _ "Carers Hope" for the persons
caring for such persons at Mapusa
f) Research -  i.e conducting a survey of mentally ill
persons in the State.

Different aspects of the mental illness relating to depression anxiety OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder AHD Autism. In fact while conscientising the audience it was mentioned that the greatest laboratory where mental health is germinated is the FAMILY and it is they who need counselling and guidance first.

Ms Fay Lobo who conducted the entire proceedings herself volunteered to render service to this charitable cause.

It was the Chief Guest Prof Newman Fernandes Principal of St Xaviers College at Mapusa who made an excellent key note address where he stressed the need for economic development with FOOD SHELTER HEALTH & EDUCATION - viz roti kapda makan shikshan and arogya.

He highlighted how Goa witnessed several instances where mentally ill persons were beaten locked in rooms caged tied to chains beleived to be possessed by satan and ostracised from society or the families suffered
humiliation and stigma. Speaking in Konkani to ensure that the nearly 121 participants in the day long (lunch tea provided free of cost) seminar held at Hotel Green Park in Guirim Prof Newman profusely congratulated the organisors for taking up "MONACHEM AROGYA" which was a neglected field of Health. Mental Health is not a illness it is a broad spectrum of the state of health. The levels of a chemical substance in the brain "dopamine" determines the level of imbalance and is the cause of mental ill health.

At the pre and post lunch session a question answer session where participants either explained their own experiences with the police the Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour -- the less number of beds -- or sought to clarify whether the effects of lunar changes the waxing and waning of the moon akin to the high and low tides, aggravated the mental health of a person were answered though not all convincingly. There were others who suggested that the awareness camp be held in Konkani to reach out to the masses. Many lamented the fact that treatment was endless some for 20 years to 30 years and costly.

Finally 6 groups each of nine participants were asked to have a brain storming session on how to clear the stigma on mental health illness.

The general consensus was that there should be a) acceptance b)tolerance c) public awareness in the print visual audio media d) the making of mental health affordable to the massess susidising medicines and that all members who participated in the workshop would solemnly pledge to ensure that the mentally ill person was not humiliated but treated with care and

An exhibition is planned on World Mental health Day and the participants expect to come back with rich ideas and exchange of views to make this cause a success.

It is hoped that the Goa Government will give due
attention to this aspect of Health which has been
neglected for far too long.

Several of the participants were themselves parents of Mentally ill persons and a few NGOs viz South Goa Public Interest Action Group from Margao also participated in the deliberations

The function was a high success and the benevolence of Ms Trinidad needs commendation and support for she has not only funded the charitable trust but has also donated her house for the worthy cause in memory of
her daughter late Patricia Trinidad

It is hoped that Goans within India and abroad will give due support to this onerous cause either by funding the activities or merely creating an awareness or providing articles in kind for this intitiative so that self help groups can be created in all the 186 village Panchayats and 13 Municipalities of Goa.

from Hotel Green Park Guirim Bardez

Borda Margao Goa
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