Posting by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas on history of Tabravaddo to Saligaonet


This Article was prepared by a team from the ward Tabra-vaddo de Saligao in
1992-1993. However in course of time and study on various documents
regarding this ward something new was discovered which I a going to refer in
the course of this write-up and at the out-set thank Mr. Jose Remedios from
Tabravaddo/ Mumbai and Ms. Olinda Remedios from the same ward, for their
The noted and meticulous church historian Monsenhor Canon Francisco Xavier
Gomes Catao, has the following to say about the origin of the name of the
ward called Tabravaddo.
" When D. Francisco de Assis de Tavora, third Marquis of Tavora and sixth
Count of S. John, who was Viceroy of India(1750-1754)and his wife Dona
Leonor da Tavora were accused of having been promoters of the conspiracy
against the life of D.Jose 1, King of Portugal, they were sentenced to be
executed and all their belongings confiscated. The sentence was published on
January 12, 1759. This sentence further declared that no one of whatever
rank or condition may be henceforth allowed to use his surname TAVORA under
the penalty of losing all his properties to the Exchequer and Royal Camara,
and expulsion from the kingdoms and dominions of Portugal and loss of all
the privileges which they enjoy as their natives .Consequently the Tavoras
of Saligao changed their surname into Remedios and perhaps into other
surnames. Hence I am of the opinion that the ward Tabravaddo must be
Tavora-vaddo"(Vide, Souvenir, Mae de Deus Church( 1873-1973), Saligao.
"The Tavora family( There were 47 registered maleTavoras in 1756)from
Saligao belonging to the fourth Voto or Vangodd( Clan)of Saligao
Communidade, who have registered under the surname as TAVORA in the 1757
triennial, dated 20th January, changed in 1759 to REMEDIOS, more out of fear
than from any conviction due to above mentioned sentence.
They then registered themselves as Remedios in the 1760 triennial, on 17th
July.( Vide,' Livro de Actos ou Assentos e Outros Servicos I, (1756-1760),
Communidade de Saligao, pp. 80-87, 171 and 289-247v; Also read 'Fundacao
Oriente Bolletim',Ano4, No.11, Dezembro 1996, p. 8 e seguinte, "Qual foi a
ligacao dos Tavoras com os Remedios de Saligao, Goa", por . Pe. Nascimento
Mascarenhas.). In our own times a Remedios family have changed their
surnames from Remedios to "Rau" and both the father Remedios and son Rau are
Saligao netters), Very interesting indeed. If I am not mistaken in Hinduism
the Tavoras of Saligao were Shenai, so goes the tradition. However so far
documentation is not available to say so after conversion.
In the Chronological Record of the Diocesan Clergy of Saligao, a name of a
lady from Saligao as Elena de Tavora, wife of Aleixo Pinto and mother of Fr.
Francisco Pinto, a priest of the first half of the 18th century(1725) is
recorded. This proves that the Tavoras already existed in Saligao, at least
, if not before the XVIII century in the ward Tavora-vaddo. Earlier during
Hinduism this ward was known as "Oddleam Maddachem Bhatt" according to the
Indice Real, Saligao... To be continued...
By. Late Idinha Remedios, Mrs. Brigida Vaz, Ms. Vanessa Godinho, Late
Preciosa dos Remedios, Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Vaz in collaboration with Fr.
Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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