Hi SaligaoNetters

Frederick Noronha wrote:

Chief minister Manohar Parrikar was at the Westend, Saligao, taking part in
a "battle of the bands"

Wowow! Battle of the bands eh? Involves bands from all over Goa & the Chief Minister too? It must have been a big "do" with people from all over Goa attending in our village & that too in what was dubbed the "dark continent"! How high we have risen! - Kudos to us all! The yearly battle of the bands is going on here in Bahrain at present, bands are short listed at a particular venue, (usually a hotel) over a period of days, & then those bands play on 3 consecutive Fridays at the Five Star Hotel The Diplomat drawing quite a crowd (I dont make up that crowd, cant stand the din so dont hear the music - he he! too much hi fi equipment etc.) Finals are on Friday 27th.

<where he mentioned something about having forgotten to dance. Wonder if chief minister's don't <have more serious problems to sort out?

Really? Must have been remembering his younger & carefree days when he didnt have all this responsibility & brickbats to contend with. Well! some entertainment is required to clear the cobwebs so that they can get down to solving the problems I guess. Let them enjoy the music - it has been said that music soothes & alleviates, so who knows, the Chief Minister might yet surprise us with his wisdom as a result of his attendance at WestEnd Saligao.

Incidentally, after a longish lull, the sale of water from Donvaddo seems to
have resumed with some impetus over the past two days.

Again? Oh dear! Thought that problem wouldnt arise & had been put to rest.

Anyone knows why the water tankers were silent for long, and why they've started again?
Curious... FN

Your guess is as good as ours, Rico! Perhaps with all the rain Saligao has had, it was felt that nobody will miss the water that is sold, plenty to go around ... though that's not a good reason eh? Maybe Mr. Parrikar will be in a better frame of mind to listen to our tales of woe after his sojourn with the music in Donvaddo! Why not try him? And Dr. Willie too might lend his voice, mightnt he?

Have a nice day!
Our weekend is coming up once this day ends, yipee!

Ta ra

P.S.: Reading the history of the vaddos brings to mind how colourful Saligao is in all aspects including the various personalities. Thansk Fr. Nasciment! Saw some pictures taken by Sanjeev during the monsoons season, including the Church with the lush green fields in front of it - beautiful, perhaps should be used in the book! The pictures of the Church on the postcards sold worldwide look good but not much of the surrounding area is included, focus is on the Church only.i

Rico, very kind of you to share your magazines, thus helping the kids... not to mention all the rest of Saligaokars doing their mite. Is there progress on some of the projects listed before besides the book of course. Would appreciate your telling us about them sometimes, just give the gist please. Even if I cant contribute, at least I can get satisfaction by reading what others are doing, good work & all. All the best!

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