Goodmorning All!

Rico wrote: ..... Actually, a lot of things are going on in Saligao. ..... brief and incomplete listing:
....... numbers ... the skills and energies are already there.

Thanks very much Rico for the update. A lot seems to be going on, yes I guess one cant write about everything but these small paras did the job - supplied important & interesting info.

Perhaps a separate listing of all the talent in the village would go a long way in understanding what >skills and talents are available, and how best we can tap the same.

Hey that will be a difficult task Rico! Lot of talent & lot of skills, how is one going to list that? I guess you'l just have to make do with what you know & got & hopefully we on the net can inform as & when we have the info.

Beginning the week here.
Have a nice weekend, all of you!

Take care

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