Hi SaligaoNetters

From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
.....told me that a function planned for tomorrow (Sunday) morning, will see the local parish youth embark on an efficient and eco-friendly garbage disposal system. This is being worked out in association with the consumer forum.

Oh that's good! As I type this, the meeting must be ending considering the time difference - 9 a.m. here.

Meanwhile, I do wish we Saligaokars would consume less plastics and then struggling to dispose of them. (We all do consume voraciously, including myself... a visit to the market or supermarket brings one back home laden with plastics, unlike the good ole 'posros' in the past.) Just sharing a thought.

Let me share one of mine Rico - Re plastic bags for shopping.
Just do what we do in Donvaddo (though I dont do it here) ... We dont throw out plastic bags, we use the same ones, separate one for veg. separate for meat, separate for fish etc.. When going marketing, these bags are taken in one of the cloth bags. When brought home full of stuff, the latter is emptied into the proper places or containers at home, & the bags are all washed & dried ready for use the next time. We have been doing this for years since our return from Africa. The bags are burnt only when spoilt & cant be used any longer. I'm sure many people are doing the same thing nowadays as they must have realised that there's less garbage to burn.
Of course, if there's water scarcity....... that's another matter altogether....grrh

Enjoying the weekend I hope, all you guys & gals... mmm should it be gals & guys?

Ta ra

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