Report On The Closing Ceremony Of The 150th Celebration.

All roads led to St. Anne Chapel for the Closing Ceremony of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations of the chapel. The Celebrations consisted of Triduum on the 13th, 14th and 15th and the Grand Closing on Sunday May 16, 1993.

The Triduum consisted of the Rosary, the litany in honour of St. Anne, which was sung, and Holy Mass. On the 13th May, the people of Tabravaddo and Mollembhatt organized the liturgy which was centered around the theme; " God’s Word In Our Life". Besides appropriate readings, the preacher Fr. Xavier Pinto CSsR(I), elaborated upon the theme and reminded the congregation of the importance and value of having the Bible in each home. Fr. Pinto used a couple of anecdotes to drive home his ideas and reflections. During the offertory the Bible and a chain were offered to make the liturgy more meaningful. After mass the people gathered on the eastern side of the chapel, where a stage was erected to witness ""Bappa Kanknnam Foddta"—a play presented by Rachol seminarians.

On the 14th, the people of Donvaddo organized the liturgy with the theme " Holy Mass, the Fountain of Christian Unity". Fr. Pinto’s homily again punctuated with fitting examples dwelt on how Holy Mass being the fountain could engulf every sphere of Christian activity. During the offertory, the rosary and a ring were offered to symbolize unity, and milk and vegetables, to symbolize heavenly nourishment a christian gets during the Holy Mass. After Mass, a Singing Competition was held in two categories: for children, 12 years old and below and for others, 13 years and above. Two prizes in each category were awarded to the winners. The panel of judges was Ms. Esmie D’Souza, Mr. David Fernandes and Ms. Lorna Cordeiro. At the end Ms. Lorna Cordeiro(2) entertained the audience with her hits of yesteryears. Later, the Hindu community of the three wards gathered in the Chapel to offer thanksgiving to St. Anne.

On 15th, the people of Murdavaddi organized the liturgy, the theme being " Holy Mass, the Fountain of Love and Service". Fr. Pinto, as before and with delicately chosen examples, explained the mission of love and service of every Christian. A bunch of thorns, a stole and a newspaper were offered during Mass in keeping with the theme. Later in the evening Joseph D’Lima( alias Juju) staged his play " Hanvuch To", in three acts. It was an educative play and well accepted……………………… be continued.

By Mr. Orlando B. Vaz.

Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas

  1. Fr. Xavier Pinto CSsR is a grandson of Tabravaddo

(2) It was Lorna’s first songs on stage in the wards( Saligao)..

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