Finally dawned the 16th of May 1993 which saw the closing of the 150th Anniversary of St. Anne chapel. The solemn High Mass in the open air where a tastefully decorated stage was put up for the purpose. On the back-drop, the anniversary theme " Sant Anache Mozotin Hatant Hat Ghalun Jezu Sangata Fuddar Tankum-ia" was displayed in large letters. Msgr. Caetano Cruz Fernandes, Vicar General of the Archdiocese was the main celebrant during the festive mass that was held at 5.30 p.m.. He was assisted by Frs. Nazario Godinho, Nascimento Mascarenhas, John D’Silva, Cecil Fernandes, Cedric Fernandes, Edwin D’Souza, Joao D’Costa, Xavier Pinto, Urbano Menezes,Stephen Fernandes, Orlando R. de Santana and Joaozinho Rebello.

The Vicar General in his homily gave a brief yet detailed history of Christianity in Saligao and exhorted his listeners to hold on to the faith of our elders. He also said that it is our turn now to carry the torch of faith into the future and together with Jesus, through the intercession of St. Anne, we can achieve this. He devoted a major part of his homily to highlight the life and work of St. Anne.

A notable feature during offertory was the offering of the replicas of Holy Trinity Church of Nagoa,( the church of our ancestors to which the Chapel of St. Anne was affiliated), Mae de Deus, Saligao( to which church it was affiliated since 26h Nov., 1873) and St. Anne’s Chapel, our own Chapel.

The commentator Mr. Carmino Mascarenhas led the Congregation in prayer and explained the various parts of the Mass.

After Communion, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas handed over the Paschal Candle to the Chairmen/ Chairpersons of the various Committees to carry the light of the Rizen Lord into the future now that the Anniversary Year was drawing to a close.

The choir under the leadership of Mr.Orlando Vaz did well in leading the congregation to sing and worship the Lord.

After the mass all those gathered were served snacks and cake.

Then came the moment all were eagerly waiting for: cutting the Anniversary cake and the release of the Souvenir. In the absence of Fr. Francisco Xavier Sequeira ( a Donvaddkar and the only surviving member of the Commission constituted to re-organize the Pilar Society, who had expressed his inability to attend the function), Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas cut the Anniversary cake to the nostalgic singing of " Uddon Gelem" by all those present.

Those who spoke on the occasion were Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas, the Vicar General, Msgr. Caetano C. Fernandes and Dr. Wilfred D’Souza, then Deputy Chief Minister of Goa.

Mr. David and party rendered two choral items which were well appreciated.

Finally the Vicar General released the Souvenir.

The Secretary Mr. Joe Fernandes proposed a Vote of Thanks. Mrs. Emmie Siqueira compered the function.

The Goa Police band was in attendance throughout the whole evening.

The Celebrations came to a close with a dazzling display of fire works.

By Orlando B. Lobo

N.B. No sooner the function came to an end, Dr. Wilfred D’Souza received a telephonic call which surprised all that he was appointed the Chief Minister of Goa and someone said " It was a favour granted to Dr. Willy through the intercession of St. Anne "and everybody rushed to congratulate him.

Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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