I met Alfred this evening, and he said he was trying to post a message to Saligaonet, which didn't get thru. If any of you have this problem, please forward a copy to me, with the subjectline reading SALIGAONET POST.

Alfie had posted a virus warning against the many 9/11-based virii that seem to be proliferating on the Net at this point of time. Windows-based computers tend to be prone to viruses. (Thanks to the support and services of Derek Cordeiro, Barsen's son, my computer is virtually virus-free and stable. It runs on GNU/Linux.) FN

Frederick Noronha (FN)    Near Convent, SALIGAO 403511 GOA India
Freelance Journalist      Tel: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
fred at bytesforall.org   fredericknoronha at vsnl.net
http://fn.swiki.net       (FN's swiki)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks (GoaLinks Blog)
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