The Saligao Institute kiddies' story hour is going real fine and smooth. Giselle is there sharp on time, armed with stories and the kids simply love it.

It starts at 5 pm EVERY Wednesday. By 6 pm, the SI is teeming with parents (who come to pick up the kids) and playful kids (who are by then prancing around the coconut trees in front of the Institute).

Between 15 to 20 kiddies aged 4 to 10 turn up, and the number can surely grow (don't know how many Giselle can manage, and we should be asking her what help she needs).

Instead of moaning and wailing about community-activity dying in the village, lend a hand to give it a boost. Pass the word around to any parents you know in Saligao.

Let's use this as a model to rope in other interest groups (teenagers, women -- beyond just a tokenistic women's week, techie skills -- our computer club plan is taking time to pick up but we are trying to get magazines and pass them around to the handful of youngsters interested).

The other day, Gustavo was offering to teach the kids roller skating. A pair of neat roller-skates costs Rs 320, a sum many parents would be willing to invest in. (I remember in the 'seventies, when I would go repeatedly to the sports shops in search for one, and couldn't even find a clunky metal pair!)

Who says that children are too tied up with home-work these days?

That simply ain't true. They get glued to the TV for a lack of anything better to do. My daughter just waits to go and get involved in activity with her friends. Lourdes Convent is doing a good job in throwing open their campus to a number of sporting activities each evening. The other day, I spotted even a couple of parents (ladies) join in the badminton. Why not!

If the Saligao Institute wants to rebuild itself as an active centre, then it needs to tap different interest groups. Of course, different ages and genders have their own interests, and a package is needed to tap diversity.

Do send in your feedback, specially to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- it will reach Giselle who has been shouldering this idea. FN
Frederick Noronha (FN) Nr Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
Freelance Journalist P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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