At 10 am this morning, areas of Sonarbhat and parts of Salmona emerged after a 36-hour power breakdown. Those of you on Goanet or some other Goa-related networks might have read about the cyclonic winds that struck Goa on April 20, Wednesday.

        Power failed then, and came back to us only at 10 am
        this morning. Near Appa Mahambre's shop at the Voltar,
        a branch of a tree had come crashing down on a pole.

        Apparently, the old-generation metal poles have got badly
        corroded, probably due to dogs doing their job at the
        bottom end. Another pole had crashed on the road leading
        to the aula (shala, or Marathi school).

Villagers were upset that so few staff were on the job to repair the lines, and they had to struggle. Of course, since a number of areas were hit in Goa (even Panjim was untypically blacked-out on Wednesday, for part of the night) obviously the priorities of repairing the lines lay elsewhere! Just taking on more staff might not help, as it would bloat the already-bloated bureaucracy... but perhaps the authorities need a system where they can speedily take on additional hands in times of a crisis like this. Other parts of Saligao got their power resumed around 5.30 pm on Thursday, after a 20-hour failure.

Fortunately, my battery inverter stood out for half of the period (for this reason, I use only a black-and-white monitor, it consumes less power). If things continue at this rate, we're going to seriously start looking at solar energy. Anyone with experiences in using that? I visited a friend at Divar who has part of his house lighting backed with solar. Though it's costlier, it's far more reliable.

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
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