Fr. M*c Queen Winston Savio Mascarenhas SCJ, Saligao's  New Priest.
Fr. M*c Queen Mascarenhas, is the son of late  Mr. Quintiliano Mascarenhas and of Diana Mascarenhas from Don-vaddo, Saligao. He is the grand-son of late Mr. Nicefero Mascarenhas and of Mrs. Maninha Pinto Mascarenhas. It was Mr. Nicefero who built his house in Donvaddo on 01-01-1932 and soon launched the first bus service( caminhao) from Saligao to Betim and another from Saligao, via Calangute to Mapusa in the early nineteen thirties.After sometime he gave up this bus service and  it was carried on by another Mascarenhas* family( daiji to Mr. Nicefero).
M*c Queen was born on 16th May, 1967 in Tororo, Uganda, East Africa.He is the last  son of the Mascarenhas' family and  has four sisters namely Tina, Marilyn, Marina, Esther,  and one brother Brian.
He did most of his schooling at Lourdes Convent High School-Saligao and then later at Monte de Guirim. He passed his college studies through St. Xavier's and D.M.C.,both  in Mapusa, Bardez.
He was a member of the Parish Pastoral Council, Saligao, in 1992. He also taught catechism in Mae de Deus Church and was actively involved in formation of Small Christian Communities and also  Prayer Groups, before his departure to the Seminary..
 As he was in search of his vocation , it was Fr.Michael Martyres from Nachinola ,doing his pastoral work in Mumbai, who sent him some literature on the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus(SCJ) founded by Blessed Leo John Dehon in France in 1878 and also about the missionaries of this International Congregation that came to Kerala in 1994. After reading the literature M*c Queen pondered over his calling and decided to join the Priests of SCJ at Kerala in 1997.. He did his first profession as a religious on 1st May, 2000. and  passed his Philosophy Course through Sacred Heart Philosophical College. Alwaye, Kerala and Theological Course at St. Joseph's Pontifical Seminary also in Alwaye.He took the Ministry of Lector in 2001 and Ministry of Acolyte in 2002.He was ordained Deacon on 15th November, 2004 and Priest on 10th May, 2005 by Most Reverend Archbishop Daniel Acharuparamil of Verapolly at Carmelgiri Auditorium, Aluva-Kerala. His collegue Mathew Lalan Vadassery, from  Nedungad, Ernakulam-Kerala was also ordained priest on 10th May.
 16 May, 2005 was an auspicious day to Saligao parish, when Fr. M*cQueen had his  Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration. He was  accompanied by other concelebrants, Rev. Fr. Francisco Ataide, the Parish Priest of Saligao, Rev Fr. Martin van Ooij, SCJ,( from Holland), Superior, Rev. Fr. Sebastian Pitz, SCJ, the Novice Master( Brazil).Fr. Jose Gouveia, SCJ, and Fr. Amaro Jorge Vieira, SCJ, both fom Portugal,  Fr. Valerio Pilati, SCJ( Italy), Fr. Fr. Louis Mariano Fernandes SCJ( Batpal, Goa), Fr. Mathew Lalan Vadassery SCJ( Kerala), and our Saligao Priests Frs. Almir D'Souza, Casimiro D'Mello, Nascimento Mascarenhas, George Dias Other priests concelebrating were Frs Sertorio Rodrigues( P.P. Aldona), Michael Martyres( Mumbai),. Salvador Fernandes, M.S.F.S,  Anand Paes( Moira),. Gualberto D'Souza( Cunchelim, Mapuca), Ronnie D'Souza, SJ( Baga),  and Afonso Mendonca( Sangolda) The Assistant of Saligao Fr. Andrew Mascarenhas was conducting the Saligao choir who sang superbly  the liturgical hymns during the Holy Mass.
As the  main celebrant and the concelebrants made their way into Mae de Deus Church, Fr. M*cQueen lit the ceremonial " divtti" and incensed the main altar as the Entance hymn was going on.In keeping with the theme of the  Thanksgiving mass " Behold I Come to do Thy Will O God', the whole ceremony was solemly performed both in English and Konkani. After the homily Fr. M*c Queen had the symbolic washing of the feet of his mother and some  male and female parishioners of Saligao which was something new to the assembly. The jam-packed church also saw his dear and near ones offering gifts and the whole ceremony ended with the kissing of hands of the newly ordained priest. Mementos were distributed and all were treated with snacks and refreshments in the Church hall, at the end of the ceremony.The traditional raising of the toast was not done It is reliably learnt that Fr. M*c Queen and Fr. Mathew will  be sent for further studies to Rome in coming June. We wish the new priest Fr. M*c Queen a long and fruitful ministry in the Vineyard of the Lord. 
Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.      

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