Wowow!  2-3 mails combined in one with so much info.

Rico & Miguel & all others, our thoughts are of no use when we are not there to help. But rest assured that all ideas are fine & if carried out will "bear fruit"..... ooh la la! All this brings back fond memories - havent we all eaten the fruits from these trees whenever we had the chance? ...whether near the springs, on the hills & even next to the boundary wall of the Seminary where cocum was found in plenty as were Scoonas (sweet white roundish fruit with seed -what is the word for them in English anyway?).

Guess it makes sense then to plant trees near the spring & wherever required. If the issue is forest conservation, then planting of trees will accomplish both, forest & soil conservation... isnt it? I dont know much about such things so I leave that to the experts & knowledgeable people of whom there are many in Saligao.

Roping in the school students - distribution of saplings etc., planting & nurturing, is just swell & would give the young generation some sense of achievement, a sense of belonging, as they see the trees growing alongwith them & bearing fruit, - the fruit of their labour... an investment for future generations. In years to come they will have built their memories & will speak of them as we do today.

I guess the spring at end of Donvaddo/Mollembhat which I often frequented is in same state as Salmona Spring - probably the sounds (high decibels - he he!) from Westend have killed off whatever was there.. I havent been there in ages - does anyone have any idea? Is the Spring dead or alive?

I recall that during our extracurricular activities in Lourdes Convent, (3 - 5 p.m.) besides playing Netball & Throwball, under the supervision of Miss Mabel, we had planted all those shrubs & flowers in that space below the verandah & near the fence & we took great interest in watering them & ensuring that the plants survived. So now the students can do the same on a larger scale & for the benefit of their village.

All of you seem to have done a lot of thinking over your weekend, hence the ideas I guess.

All the best in all your endeavours!


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