Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Voluntary testing centres helping to prevent AIDS
Voluntary confidential counseling and testing centers are
now seen as key entry point for a range of interventions
in HIV/AIDS prevention.

The main objective of VCCTs are to make testing services
available to those persons who wish to know their HIV/Status
due to some high risk behaviour and to counsel them or who
have been referred by consulting doctors. These centers help
clients to make decisions related to disclosure, treatment and
risk reduction. These centers enable people to cope up with
their HIV positive status and plan for the future, says a
press note issued by the Goa State AIDS Control Society.

These centers provide psychological support to the infected
and the affected individuals thus strengthening HIV infected
persons and those associated with them. VCCTs also motivate
those tested negative to remain so.

Increased availability and use of voluntary counseling and
testing is an important step in risk reduction and psychological
support to infected and affected persons.

Three VCCTs have been established in the state, one at GMC,
Hospicio and Asilo. One is likely to be started soon at Cottage
Hospital, Vasco. The number of persons approaching the VCCT
and getting tested is increasing.These centers represent a
public private mix since they are located largely in government
hospitals and have trained counsellors.

The success of voluntary counseling and testing depends on
effective counselling and on the availability of cheap testing
facilities which give results in the shortest possible time. This
makes the rapid test an attractive option where the client
can undergo a pre-test counseling, get results and post-test
counselling in one session.

The in-charges and lab technicians of VCCTs are trained on
regular bases by Goa State AIDS Control Society and NACO
(National AIDS Control Organisation), adds the press note.
HERALD 7/07/05 page 4
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
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website: www.goadesc.org
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