San Francisco celebrates itself at the Castro Theater…

Combining favorites from past years with this year's footage discoveries, the 
10th annual feature-length program shows San Francisco's neighborhoods, 
infrastructure, celebrations, and people from 01906 through the 01970s. New 
sequences this year include 01930s scenes in downtown taverns, New Deal labor 
graphics, an exuberant 01940s Labor Day parade, radical longshore workers, 
newly discovered World War II-era tourist-shot Kodachromes, residential 
neighborhood activities, and much more.

As always, the audience makes the soundtrack.  Come prepared to identify 
places, people and events, to ask questions, and to engage in spirited 
real-time repartee with fellow audience members.

This tenth iteration of Rick Prelinger’s historic film clips of San Francisco 
is sold out---all 1,400 seats.  It takes time to fill such a big theater, so 
plan on coming early: doors will open for seating at 6:30pm.  There will be a 
walk-up line for non-ticketholders.  Most will get in.  Latecomers probably not.

"Lost Landscapes of San Francisco, 10," Rick Prelinger, The Castro Theater, San 
Francisco, 6:30pm, Wednesday December 9.  The show starts promptly at 7:30pm.

The venue is The Castro Theater <>, 
429 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
No live streaming this time, alas.  The Castro can’t handle it.
Share this talk: Rick Prelinger, "Lost Landscapes of San Francisco, 10" Long 
Now talk on 12/9 <>

Talks coming up:
January 11 (Mon.) - Eric Cline, 1177 B.C: When Civilization Collapsed 
February 9 (Tue.) - Stephen Pyne, Fire Slow, Fire Fast, Fire Deep 
March 14 (Mon.) - Jane Langdale, Radical Ag: C4 Rice and Beyond 

High-quality videos of the talks and other benefits (such as priority tickets) 
are available to Long Now members.  Membership, which starts at $8/month 
($96/year), helps support the series and other Long Now projects. Joinable here 

This is one of a monthly series of Seminars About Long-term Thinking (SALT) 
organized by The Long Now Foundation. Free audio and my summaries of all 
previous talks are available for download here <> 
(or stay up to date with the podcast here 
<>). You'll find a range of long-term 
thinking items on our Blog <> (RSS 
<>).  If you would like to be notified by 
email (like this one) of forthcoming talks, go here 
<> to sign up online. Any 
questions, contact Danielle Engelman at Long Now -- 415-561-6582 x1 
<tel:415-561-6582%20x1> or <>.

 --Stewart Brand <>

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