No one thinks longer, or bigger, than astrophysicists.

“This is the golden age of cosmology,” says Priya Natarajan, because new data 
keeps pouring in to feed even the most radical theories.  And the dominant 
mysteries are profound.  She observes that “The vast majority of stuff in the 
universe—both dark matter and dark energy, which dominate the content and fate 
of the universe—is unknown.“

The universe’s greatest exotica are the focus of her research—dark matter, dark 
energy, and black holes.  She is an expert, for example, in the complex 
behavior and gravitational lensing of galaxy clusters, where arrays of 1,000 
galaxies are 95% dark energy.  One of the world’s leading astrophysicists, 
Priyamvada Natarajan is a professor in the Departments of Astronomy and Physics 
at Yale University and at the Dark Cosmology Center, Niels Bohr Institute, 
University of Copenhagen, Denmark—and an active proponent for the public 
understanding of science.

"Solving Dark Matter and Dark Energy," Priyamvada Natarajan, SFJAZZ Center, 
Hayes Valley, San Francisco, 7pm, Monday April 11.  The show starts promptly at 

To be sure of a seat:
• Long Now Members <> can use the discount code 
on the Natarajan Seminar page to reserve 2 free seats 
• You can purchase tickets for $15 each 
• Seminar at SFJAZZ Center <> 201 
Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
• Tune into the live audio stream <> for Long Now 
Members at 7:30 PT - become a member <> for just 
$8 a month.
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Talks coming up:
May 2 (Mon.) - Walter Mischel, The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control 
June 20 (Mon.) - Brian Christian, Algorithms to Live By 

High-quality videos of the talks and other benefits (such as priority tickets) 
are available to Long Now members.  Membership, which starts at $8/month 
($96/year), helps support the series and other Long Now projects.  Joinable 
here <>.

This is one of a monthly series of Seminars About Long-term Thinking (SALT) 
organized by The Long Now Foundation.  Free audio and my summaries of all 
previous talks are available for download here <> 
(or stay up to date with the podcast here 
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thinking items on our Blog <> (RSS 
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You are welcome to forward this note to anyone you think might be interested.

 --Stewart Brand <>

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