[Note: this talk is sold out, but walk-ups always get in, and Long Now members 
can watch the live stream.]

With her breakthroughs in neural imaging, Mary Lou Jepsen is making the brain 
readable (and stimulatable) in real time.  That will revolutionize brain study 
and brain medicine, but what about brain communication?   Could a direct 
high-resolution interface to the brain lead to what might be called practical 
mental telepathy?   What are the prospects for brain enhancement?

What are the ethics of direct brain reading and intervention?

Mary Lou Jepsen founds programs and companies on the hairy edges of physics, 
invents solutions, and takes them from prototype all the way through to high 
volume mass production. She's done that at Intel, MIT’s Media Lab, One Laptop 
Per Child, Pixel Qi, Google X, and Facebook (Oculus).  She is the founder and 
CEO of Openwater, which is "devising a new generation of imaging technologies, 
with high resolution and low costs, enabling medical diagnoses and treatments, 
and a new era of fluid and affordable brain-to-computer communications."

"Toward Practical Telepathy," Mary Lou Jepsen, SFJAZZ Center, Hayes Valley, San 
Francisco, 7pm, Monday October 29.  The show starts promptly at 7:30pm.

• Tune into the live stream <http://longnow.org/live/> for Long Now Members at 
7:30 PT - become a member <https://longnow.org/membership/> for just $8 a month.
Share this talk: Mary Lou Jepsen, "Toward Practical Telepathy" Long Now talk on 
10/29 https://goo.gl/NsvirD <https://goo.gl/NsvirD>

Talks coming up:
November 19 - Niall Ferguson, Networks and Power 
December 4 & 5 - Rick Prelinger, Lost Landscapes of San Francisco, 13 
March 13 - Chip Conley, The Modern Elder and the Intergenerational Workplace
April 2 - Jeff Goodell, The Water Will Come

High-quality videos of the talks and other benefits (such as priority tickets) 
are available to Long Now members.  Membership, which starts at $8/month 
($96/year), helps support the series and other Long Now projects. Joinable here 

This is one of a monthly series of Seminars About Long-term Thinking (SALT) 
organized by The Long Now Foundation. Free audio and my summaries of all 
previous talks are available for download here <http://longnow.org/seminars/> 
(or stay up to date with the podcast here 
<http://longnow.org/seminars/podcast/>). You'll find a range of long-term 
thinking items on our Blog <http://blog.longnow.org/> (RSS 
<http://feeds.feedburner.com/longnow>).  If you would like to be notified by 
email (like this one) of forthcoming talks, go here 
<http://list.longnow.org/mailman/listinfo/salt> to sign up online. Any 
questions, contact Danielle Engelman at Long Now -- 415-561-6582 x1 
<tel:415-561-6582%20x1> or danie...@longnow.org <mailto:danie...@longnow.org>.

 --Stewart Brand s...@longnow.org

The Long Now Foundation -- http://longnow.org/ <http://longnow.org/>
Seminars & downloads -- http://longnow.org/seminars/ 
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