On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Simon Cooke wrote:

> >Does this mean my power supply had been going wrong for at least the 
> past
> >year? What could a dodgy 12V line have done to the colours anyway? Why 
> was
> >it working fine with a TV? I mean, WHY?
> So basically, I'm betting that you're getting crap from the modulator 
> (due to the dodgy PSU problems you had), which is entering the composite 
> video generator chip and screwing up your colours :)

Yes yes, fair enough. But why was it working fine with a TV (UHF), someone
else's PC TV card (UHF or Composite SCART) and the VCR(composite SCART) -
when it failed with my Mac's TV card (UHF or Composite SCART)?
That't the confusing bit.

If it hadn't worked on those others (or at least, had failed to work, but
in the same way) I'd have guessed there was something wrong somewhere, and
probably found the dodgy 12V line if it was there at the time.... 

It is probably worth noting that Allan's PSU doen't have the modulator in
it, this could be the solution to at least one problem :)


| Andrew Collier | email [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | Talk sense     |
| 1B NatSci      | http://carou.sel.cam.ac.uk/ | to a fool      |
+----------------+-----------------------------+ and he calls   |
| Selwyn College Student Computer Support Team | you foolish    |
|     email [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   -- Euripides |

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