...For two whole reasons:
1. It's not Sam-related
2. It's the most insidious type of advertising there is: "Hey you guys,
look what I found!"

I visited Live '98 today, and aside from getting leafleted left, right and
centre by Sony Babes (and others, but I didn't really notice who they were
working for...), I found a new, web-capable 'Commodore 64'!

It's called Web.it (yes, that's W-E-B-dot-I-T, possible the cheesiest name
the show had to offer), and it's pretty cute. It's not, in fact, a C64, but
a custom hybrid set-top-box sortof laptop thing, which plugs into your TV
and your phone line. The processor's an AMD, it's got 16Mb of RAM (more of
a Commodore16384, then), 16 bit stereo sound, a touchpad for pointer
control, and a 56K modem.

It runs Windows3.1 under IBM PC-DOS 7.
It runs Commie games under an emulator (Aha! That's the connection!)
It's Y2K compliant.
It's at www.commodore64.com

Oi, Bob! How about buying a few thousand, and badging them as SamSon..?

On another - though similar - note, did anyone read/hear that Sir Uncle
Clive plans to release a new Spectrum-style machine (ie. cheap, easy to
use...shite GFX and sound) for the new millennium? Someone, please...tell
me it's the Sam! Tell me Clive's bought WCC and plans to revitalise our
ailing market... Lie if you have to, damnit!

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