At 8:19 am +0000 11/12/98, Dan Doore wrote:

>> Sam-users emails always come From: whoever posted the message.
>Depends what comes out the other end of your gateway - when I was at LMU
>the MS Snail gateway translated everything as coming from
>'sam-users-owner', which was really helpful...

That's stupid! I guess it gets owner-sam-users from the Sender header, but
really... That's completely broken! It should never alter the From: header
at all, should it? Trust Microsoft...

Cue Simon   :)


| Andrew Collier | email [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | Talk sense to a
| Part 2 NatSci  | | fool and he
+----------------+-----------------------------+ calls you foolish
| Selwyn College Student Computer Support Team |   -- Euripides

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