From: Gordon Wallis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 January 1999 12:42
Subject: Re: Games Ahoy! - Dyzonium query

Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I've played demos of both the Sam and Speccy versions of Astroball, though
> I never actually bought either. I liked the game, but I was mightily
> disappointed when someone said that the Space Invaders but wasn't in the
> Sam version... I did buy Dyzonium, though, and consider it to be one of
> Sam's best games (not hard, considering it's competition as a
> shoot-'em-up).

Unfortunately... it doesn't have invaders... but the Spectrum version does
Are you releasing this one as well Malcolm, as I'm sure a few Speccy owners
might like to buy this classic title? Also the great game Balor did:
Turbulence... certainly be nice to see that available again?

> It's nice to see that good work on a (dare I say it) defunct machine can
> get you a fairly good job. Didn't Balor also work on the Playstation
> 'Fantastic Four' game, though..? Somewhat...less-than-Fantastic... but I
> won't begrudge him that.

Well... everyones got to start somewhere :)

Dont forget that console programmers get little say in regard to the content
of license titles :(

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