On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Buffer Underrun wrote:

> I don't know if you were on the list when this came up, but there is a
> much much much much (I can't say 'much' enough in this case) better
> prog for grabbing the images. It was written by a list member, so he'd
> probably be better than me to talk about it. I don't know if it made
> it to the nvg archive, but the prog you want is called 'samdsk'.

That would be me, then.

Yeh, it works. It's quick - ish, but it doesn't handle corrupted disks too
well  ( according to Martin, who discovered this for me! )  and certainly
wouldn't work with any fancy protection stuff

But yeh. If you have a pc and want to transfer normal sam disks to .dsk
files, then for gawd's sake DON'T USE SAMDISK! USE SAMDSK!

( At least until Martin's better-than-samdsk-and-written-in-pascal version
comes out )

I forget where... but it's definitely in nvg *somewhere*
try something like sam-coupe/misc/pc or something... dunno...


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