Andrew Collier wrote:
> [>Gavin Smith wrote:]
> >> Agreed! Although it's still quite hard to get SAM formatted disks
> >> from my floppyless iMac...
> >>
> >You don't need formatted samdisks on PC. It is possible to format
> >floppy disk on the PC (of course), and then you can put the sad/dsk on it.
> >You can look to my web page for more information.
> Depends exactly what he's using them for... the raw .dsk files are all very
> fine and well for use in SimCoupe, but I suspect Gavin is trying to use the
> disk images in a real Sam, so they really need to go on a more solid medium.

I think the original poster (Johnna??) wanted the files as .dsk files,
for convenience, I was merely agreeing with them, whilst adding that it
doesn't really matter to me anyway, as I have an iMac which doesn't have
a floppy drive...

> Gavin - if it helps, I've got a (really quite quickly hacked together) Mac
> program which will let you [retrieve files from | store files in] a .dsk
> image... that may or may not be useful, depending on exactly what you're
> trying to achieve!

See above, but thanks anyway, I'll keep it in mind if I ever get a
floppy drive for the iMac (I was considering getting a SuperDisk - the
one which can accept normal floppies as well as their own 120 Meg format.

>>(As you know, you cannot assign one suffix to several programs in Win32.
>>And since Win32 is the main op.system in the world, we should follow its

> If everybody took that attitude, there's no reason to be on this mailing
> list...

Entirely agreed! *pats his Speccy, SAM, iMac, Electron and (dead) Linux box.*


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