First of all a thanks to Martin Fitzpatrick and Stefan Drissen for kindly
donating a body-part for my Sam, the keyboard is functioning fine again :)

The Spectrum Emulator (2.something). Martijn bought a CD full with
speccy-games at the last HCCSinclair-meeting in Houten, and thought it was
a good idea to make the emulator work with the CD-drive so that one can
load games directly from CD.

Well, the first results looks good, Martijn was able to load Z80-files
directly from CD, but we are not sure how it will work with CD's that are
slower then 36speed(1).

Robert van der Veeke, aka RJV Graphics
Currently listening to : Soldier - OST

(1) Last year, the HCC-day in Utrecht at the Sinclair stand where somebody
muttered "How the hell do they do that, a 36speed CD on such a computer",
most satisfying :)

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