At 7:30 pm +0100 9/4/99, Chris White wrote:
>> anyway... backups are only illegal when its specifically said that its
>> illegal... otherwise its fine innit?...
>No , this is like saying you can do anything untill some says you can not.
>Copyright Law states that the Copyright owner MUST give consent to anyone
>wishing to Copy their work

Oh no it doesn't, Copyright Law protects certain things in certain
circumstances, and makes certain allowances. You are allowed, for example,
to photocopy a few pages from a book. You are allowed to videotape films
off the television (provided you wipe them within 30 days, or something).

You are allowed to make a backup of any software product you buy, but
you're not allowed to distribute copies.

> , the only way around this is to create your own
>work based on Copyrighted material , this was called plagurisam .
>But then again little Billy in his bedroom making a copy for his personnal
>us , is never going to draw attention to  the law , untill he start
>sell/giving copies to other peeps.

Making a copy for his personal use is never going to draw attention from
the law because it is *not* illegal. Wheras selling/giving copies away *is*


| Andrew Collier | email [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | Talk sense to a
| Part 2 NatSci  | | fool and he
+----------------+-----------------------------+ calls you foolish
| Selwyn College Student Computer Support Team |   -- Euripides

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