At 12:30 pm +0100 10/4/99, Chris White wrote:
>My wish is the a Sam Emu is a COMPLETE emulation right down to Floppy Drive
>Access, but what i don't want is it to create or beable to create IMAGES of
>disks that can then be transfered with out any problems or work as free as
>anyone would want to.

For the record, I agree with this.

>So by one act of so called *NON ILLEGAL* (still looking for
>confirmationon this) act of deprotecting software and/or Hardware , one as
>made the other 99% of population capable of *PIRACY* , which is Illegal.

This will only be true if the deprotected version is distributed to the
other 99% of the population, and this would in itself be illegal.

>any form of BACKING up is going to
>cost me loads

I dispute this.

Copying can only ever cost you money if it stops someone from buying the game.

The distinction between piracy and backups is that anyone copying the game
to make a backup has ALREADY bought the game, so you lose nothing (unless
you were expecting this paid customer to pay again[1]).

Wheras anyone copying the game who has not already bought it is NOT making
a backup, they are pirating the game.

BACKUPs will not cost you money, unless you are counting money from
individual persons buying multiple copies of exactly the same game.
Making a backup is not illegal in the UK.
Making a backup is not piracy.

PIRACY will cost you money. I accept that. I don't advocate piracy.
Piracy is illegal in the UK.
Piracy is not making a backup.

>and I decline to authorize ANYONE to make a COPY of my

Sorry, but in the UK, they don't need your authorization.

Not that I'm suggesting that you should make your games easy to copy - this
would just encourage illegal copying ie piracy. But don't think that
copying is never legal.


[1] I can think of only one circumstance in which this is a reasonable
expectation. That is, if a customer sells his original copy - he must
destroy any backups he may have made otherwise this is piracy. If he wants
to play the game afterwards, he'll need to buy another one.

| Andrew Collier | email [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | Talk sense to a
| Part 2 NatSci  | | fool and he
+----------------+-----------------------------+ calls you foolish
| Selwyn College Student Computer Support Team |   -- Euripides

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