> OK, I'm sensing some kind of a 'point' to all this... Maybe part of this
> Mindcraft group is someone you know, Simon? Just a guess.

        Or maybe, I being a Linux user was completely bored of the stupid
paranoid Linux news sites taking a field day over one duff report (you
would have thought Team OS/2 would have taught someone somewhere that
bitching the opposition doesn't make your product any better) felt the
need to make light of the whole matter but was taken as serious. I think
the main way to look at Linux is this : a good operating system with a
really arrogant user base.

        And the way to look at Microsoft? If the DOJ have their usually
represented way, only a part at a time! (NB : I run a duel boot
computer. All my word processing, and a lot of my programming is done
under windows. And although a full DPMI implementation would have been
nice, I much prefer that someone bothered to write Microsoft Word . . .)


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