>The Lyra III from NVG doesn't work.
>Can somebody put there a working version?
>The problem is that lyra3.dsk.gz file is
>either not a GZip file
>or contains neither DSK nor Tar file.

Soory about that, it looks like macgzip burped[1] when I uploaded the
original file... I'll put a new copy in the incoming directory.


[1] It includes a short header before the file, with filetype/resource data
in it, which in incompatible with anything except MacOS. I keep telling it
not to do that....

| Andrew Collier | email [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | Talk sense to a
| Part 2 NatSci  | http://carou.sel.cam.ac.uk/ | fool and he
+----------------+----------------ICQ:38645805-+ calls you foolish
| Selwyn College Student Computer Support Team |   -- Euripides

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