Are you having a "best of email responses" section on those pages? :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Humphries [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 16, 1999 10:14 AM
> To:
> Subject:      (OT) Stupid people
> The YS Rock'n'Roll Years carries a load of original YS articles and
> reviews.
> Here's an email that was sent to me in response to seeing a review of
> Monty On
> The Run:
> ---start---
> I cant beleive you still expect people to pay for a game thats ten years
> old???????? come on, it was designed for the commodore
> 64........................the what???????? i now have a 500Mhz
> PIII..............surely the price needs to move with the times and it
> should be worth $0.00......a FREE download.......
> Just a Thought
> ---end---
> People *are* stupid...
> Nick

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